Friday, December 4, 2015

the day we had our first Kimchi

It was okay.

Well, not really. 

Let's start first with how we ended up in somewhat a Korean fastfood. 

It was Friday. Nikko and Aaron were waiting in the dorm for our other high school friends who will be going home with us (we always do that every Friday)  and then it turned out no one was coming which leaves only the three of us to go home. And then my mom called asking if I will be coming with her since she's in the city, too but I said no and asked for food instead. 

We met inside that fast food where she was already eating along with my aunt and her husband. At first, she just gave me money so we could buy our own food but then she changed her mind and let us sit with them. 

The food looks odd but I gave it a shot and so we ordered the same food. It was a rice burger. And it tastes... okay. 

Again, not really.

and that was when we (or I) decided to order Kimchi because it looks soooooo good on TV. I remembered Jan Di and Jun Pyo eating it together and it was really enticing. 

Three of us decided to take a spoonful at the same time to be fair haha. At firstm, I only tasted the lettuce which I love but then the weird spicy flavor started to dominate in my mouth asdsdsfgfjhgjh
really gross, *no offense meant to people who loves them tho 

We all do stupid mistakes at any time of our lives and I guess this is one of them. But this one happened for a purpose- an experiece where we learned that we could never live in Korea. Lol

But then again, taste is subjective so I suggest you go try it yourself.

So that was it, the day we had our first Kimchi ...

and probably our last. ;p


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