Wednesday, May 20, 2015

hello little screen

okay so here's the thing,

my dad sent a package a month ago and then it arrived while I was in a wonderful vacation at my cousin's. I got a netbook and a phone. It is actually pretty cool that I could bring this anywhere and I could put in my bag along with my notebook, it's just that little little little screen over here is ummm eye bleeding. Anyways, I was thinking for days what would be the name of this little fella. hmmm. I was thinking of a Dolphie? or Dolph since I saw some DOLPHINS (!!!) btw on my way home, ahh such lovely creatures. However, after million minutes of scanning through the inner depths of my awesome brain, I came up with Flipper. Yes, the dolphin :D Perfect, isnt it? 

So, hi Flipper. Welcome to the world of overflowing awesomeness aka  my blog, :>

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